Friday, 1 April 2011

Kraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat (Yogyakarta), Indonesia

Keraton or in the original language is called Karaton is located in downtown Yogyakarta. Karaton means a place where kings and queens live, or in other words that mean the same Kadaton.

In learning about Javanese culture, this sense has a very deep philosophical meaning. Architecture of this palace is Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono I own, which is the founder of the Sultanate Ngayogyakarta. His expertise in the field of architecture appreciated by Dutch scientists - Dr.Pigeund and Dr.Adam who regard it as the "architect of the civil Pakubuwono II Surakarta".

Kraton Yogyakarta was founded in 1756 by Prince Mangkubumi (Hamengkubu lane I) as the center of the kingdom Ngayogyakarta. At first, the location of the Palace is now a swamp area called Bannerman Pacethokan, which later developed into a pesanggrahan Ayodya.

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